Locust Street to Capitol Drive
North Teutonia Avenue Business & Neighbor Association
Notice of Public Hearing | RESCHEDULED: 10/18
Tue, Oct 18
This matter has been rescheduled for Monday, Oct. 18th. Contact Yadira Melendez at (414) 286- 2775 for details. Penthouse Lounge at 3621 N TEUTONIA AVE. Class B Tavern & Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications

Time & Location
Oct 18, 2022, 9:00 AM
About the event
Penthouse Lounge at 3621 N TEUTON IA Av.
Class B Tavern & Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications
The above application has been made by the above named applicant(s). This requires approval from the Licenses Committee and the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee. The hearing before the Licenses Committee will take place virtually on OCTOBER 18, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.Â
This is a public hearing. Those wishing to testify at the proceeding are able to do so via the City Channel Cfiannel 25 on Spectrum Cable - or on the Internet atÂ
Those wishing to provide oral testimony will be asked to do so by phone or internet and are asked to contact the staff assistant, Yadira Melendez at (414) 286- 2775 or for necessary information.Â
Please make such requests no later than one business day prior to the sta of the meeting. Â You are not required to attend the earing, but please see the information below if you would like to provide testimony. Once the Licenses Committee makes its recommendation, this recommendation is forwarded to the full Common Council for approval at its next regularly scheduled hearing.Â
Important details for those wishing to provide information for the Licenses Committee to consider when making its recommendation:
1. The license application is scheduled to be heard at the above time. Due to other hearings running longer than scheduled, you may have to wait some time to provide your testimony.
2. You must testify as to matters that you have personally experienced or seen. (You cannot provide testimony for your neighbor, parent or anyone else; this is considered hearsay and cannot be considered by the committee.)Â
3. No letters or petitions can be accepted by the committee (unless the person who wrote the letter or the persons who signed the petition are willing to testify).
4. Persons opposed to the license application are given the opportunity to testify first; supporters may testify after the opponents have finished.
5. When you are called to testify, you will be sworn in and asked to give your name, and address. (If your first and/or last names are uncommon please spell them.)
6. You may then provide testimony.
- a. Include only information relating to the above license application.Â
- b. Include only information you have personally witnessed or seen.Â
- c. Provide concise and relevant information detailing how this business has affected or may affect the peaceful enjoyment of your neighborhood.Â
- d. If by the time you have the opportunity to testify, the information you wish to share has already been provided to the committee, you may state that you agree with the previous testimony. Redundant or repetitive testimony will not assist the committee in making its recommendation.Â
7. After giving your testimony, the members of the Licenses Committee and the licensee may ask questions regarding the testimony you have given or other factors relating to the license application.
8. Business Competition is not a valid basis for denial or non-renewal of a license.
Please Note: If you have submitted an objection to the above application your objection cannot be considered by the committee unless you personally testify at the hearing.Â