RFP for Certified Appraisal Services for City-owned residential properties is now posted on DCD’s web site at the following link: https://city.milwaukee.gov/DCD/Projects/RFPs.

This addendum answers all questions received through the timeline in the RFP documents.
All proposals must be submitted via e-mail to DCDPurchasing@milwaukee.gov
no later than September 25, at 11:00 am CDT.
Accommodation Requests
Reasonable accommodations, of an auxiliary aid or service required due to a disability, for a City of Milwaukee event will be provided upon request. Contact the City of Milwaukee ADA Coordinator, 414-286-3475 or adacoordinator@milwaukee.gov as soon as possible but no later than 72 hours before the scheduled event.
ADA accommodation requests for Milwaukee County events should be filed with the Milwaukee County Office for Persons with Disabilities, 414-278-3932 (voice), 711 (TRS), or Michael.Bonk@milwaukeecountywi.gov upon receipt of this notice.